New buyed things ;-)
New pumps arrival :-)
My new, white bikini :-) how much bikinis do I have now? (a) I haven't uploaded photos yet of my Marlies Dekkers bikini and swimsuit.
Well, I have already told you there will be an event within 32 days: Bassleader. And me and my best friend will be in Tygerstyle :-) I will wear this and she something in the same.
I really adored this cute sheep and I will put on a ring so he can use as keysheep ;-)
My new belt for €13
A new sweater from Calvin Klein.
And this dress :-)The nails of Fauve.
And some random pics of what is happened the last week.
Me and my mum on the G-Force. It's quied bored.
@The amadeus where you can eat the most delicious "ribbekes" in Belgium. You can order as much as you want and the saucage between your hot potatoes is DE-LIC-IOUS !
This is me and my bf before we left home :)
I was wearing the blouse from DEPT. I kinda fell in love with it.
There was a table next to us who were celebrating there bachelor night. And they needed some stuff like a mirror, some make-up, a photo.. and then, before they left they gave us this condom and my oh-so-lovely boyfriend putted it in my chocolat-mousse 0.o
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